

Kinds of galvanized

26 de junio de 2017

In this post, we want to explain the different kinds of galvanized, its processes and its advantages so that you have full information about our products. In this post, you can also deduct the differences in price and quality.

The galvanizing process is a chemical process by which a metal is covered with another.
Its name comes from the Italian Luigi Galvani who was who started experimenting with the technique.

Galvanized function is to protect the metal surface on which the process is performed. The most common galvanized involves depositing a layer of zinc (Zn) on iron (Fe); since, being zinc more oxidizable, less noble than iron, generate a stable oxide that protects the iron from oxidation when exposed to oxygen in the air.

There are mainly two kinds of galvanized mesh:

This process is carried out by cold galvanizing. Steel materials are coated with a thin layer of zinc, electrolytically. This layer is usually 8 to 12 microns. After this the mesh is welded so the welding points do not have the zinc layer, being able to oxidize at these points. Another difference with hot dip galvanizing, is in coating thicknesses which is lower in this method, and the disadvantage that the workpiece can be deformed by temperature.

In this process, first the mesh is welded and then is galvanized by immersion in a zinc pot to 450 ° C, protecting both wire and joints, giving mesh durability against oxidation. Also, the thickness of the zinc layer adhering to the mesh becomes twice that in the process by electrogalvanized.

Within these two processes, the difference in price is not so high but the durability of the mesh against corrosion and oxidation in vastly greater in the case of hot dip galvanizing.

Being faithful to our quality policy, in Suministros industriales Belloso, we only work with hot dip galvanized wire mesh making the durability of our meshes much higher than those of our competitors.

But not only the mesh work under the hot dip galvanizing process, also our wires and barbed wires are produced under the same technique, lasting in time without rusting or altered by corrosion of the medium.

Seen on: Mesh and wire

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